Wednesday 26 October 2016

Project Natural World: What Do I dislike?

This is some part of my sketchbook. As you can see, this is rush and there any good in them. I piece up some work of them fabric design and copy some of them using pen and pencil. It honestly didn't go well as i want and it was rushy, making this piece my worse piece but that's goes for the whole sketchbook. There many thing i didn't like about this works, i didn't put enough time into it to make it looks great, there isn't much bolt line coming from the work, it's was just a rush sketch and there isn't much annotation in there. 

There one of them that i liked but that's because it isn't look so bad but that's because i was using a tracking paper to help me create the work, which i wasn't so happy about it. I want to be able to work on it by sketch from looking at it, instead of track the work. However, i still have some like into it but what's ruined was the colour that i paint on. (this work is below the first on the left side.)

Thing that I can improve next time is work on it carefully, add the detail into them not just leave it as it is but also develop them, try different material, try out new background, pick the design up and develop them into my design and if i didn't like it, annotate it, why i didn't like and how can i improve it. 

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