Thursday 27 October 2016

Project Natural World: Secondary and Primary Mood Board

This is my secondary mood board that i create using photo from pinterest (Link to my Pinterest I got all the photo there, pick the one that I liked the most and put them into my mood board that when i look at it, i can get something out of it. 

I decided do about sunflower because sunflower is my favorite flower, they remind me of the bright sunny day and when you're look at it, it kind of make you happy. Sunflower is like one of those flower that you think they're always smiling. the colour is also bright and standout as well. But that isn't only thing that i like about the sunflower. Another thing that i liked, is the shape. The sunflower can turn into many different patterns because of their big petals as well and the middle of their flower be draw as something else too. However, not just the flower itself but the seed can also create a lovely repeat pattern as well. 

My other secondary mood board, Thing that i like, i decide to put them in there. Reason is becasue I want my design sheet to be something that I like and enjoy to look at it. Looks into the fruit and flowers.  

thing that I can improve these two mood board is, add some drawing, sketch and print on it, instead of just photo from internet. Take a study, develop it using art material.

This is my primary mood board. some of these photo can be finds in my sketchbook. I only create one mood board for the primary but for this one, it's little hard to do because I wasn't so sure what i want to do about but i decided I want to do about the flower as well. So i pick the photo I like and what flower i want to do. Which is rose and daisy. Reason is because Daisy looks similar to Sunflower, the colour and shape. Reason why I picked Rose, is because of the fresh pick. there is also another flower on there but I cannot remember what was the name of it.

Thing That I dislike about it, is isn't look clean and it's looks messy. Next time I could make the layout of how each photo would be like.

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