Monday 31 October 2016

Project Natural World: Human's Parts

During the half term, I went to do some sketch about human's parts.
Normally I can't draw them with so much detail so i picked some part and do some sketch of it.

I decided to do hand, feet, lips and eyes because i like them the most. They're hard but at the same time, it's enjoyable to do them. the material I used, is pencil. Reason is because I think pencil can make a great affect and I can always add any detail into them if i ever miss any. I was thinking about using pen or ink but i decide not to because, it was just in case i ever mess my work up then i don't need to worry about having to redo them again.

Hand and feet sketch isn't so much hard compare to the lips and eyes because with hand and feet, i can see them and thing that I want to improve next time are, making sure that I try different material instead of one. Yes pencil are great but It would be much greater if I use different material as well.

The hardest thing that I barely could do is eyes. I barely do the eyes correctly and didn't really know how to do draw them. I always been bad at drawing the eyes so for this sketch, i barely done them well as i want them to look.

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