Wednesday 26 October 2016

Project Natural World: Artist critical review

(Thing that i quote from, photo and others will be from this website

This is Angie Lewin's work. She's a textile artist who's using printing, lino and woodcut to create her art work. (The work on the right side called Dandelino Track I)

The thing i liked about this piece is how simple it is. She picking three colours to work with, which is yellow, green and black. The colour of the flower with black and tell also looks great, it isn't just making the photo look simple but it also make clear to see this is a flower and not just a boring piece of work. Small texture on other stuffs as well, such as the line that's bolt, it also standout but it also make the work more clear as well.

This piece is using wood engraving. Personally, I didn't think this work would create by using wood, at first i thought it was lino or screenprint because in this piece, there isn't any thing that didn't make it clear so wood wouldn't be good for it but this is showing me that even the wood can do a perfect job as lino or screen print as well.

Just because there's two colour but doesn't mean that it can't be a great work. this is my kind of work that i like to do because there isn't using many colour to hurt anyone's eyes, it's simple, clear to see, very bolt line and it has this eye-catching effect. (This is the link to her work and details.)

The Youtube Video of Angie Lewin, how does she create one of her artwork. When I was watching this video, It show that she picking some part of the nature, sketch them using watercolour (the water that she's using, came from river) and later when she back into her office, she start to use them and add them up into her piece. It's really showing that her inspiration came from nature and it should be create by nature environment. 

There isn't any speaking so there isn't anything to talk about with word. However, there a showing of her picking piece by piece off nature and start working of them and build up the development through those work. 

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