Friday 8 January 2016

Week 4, Distinction Doors Live Brief Project

This i wanting to make sure i did all my research correctly, if i'm not missing anything before getting ready to do my design. I went through my sketchbook and see if i need anything. Thanks to my tutor, she also giving everyone in the class a check list to help student with checking which task they're on.
  • Visual mind map for project brief.
  • Research into distinction doors current contemporary and standard door. 
  • Primary and Secondary research.
  • Pinterest board
  • Designer/Artist research
  • Mind map / analysis my target audience and theme. 
  • Mood board. 
I might need to improve my analysis since i didn't explaining where does my ideas coming from but that's my weakest point right now so i would try my best to start improving them from now on. 

I would need to create more mood board in my sketchbook, i will do my research on colour and nature during the weekend. 

Independent: During the weekend, i will start working on my design. Complete all my research for mood board and adding two more artist research who look at patterns designs or just get image from internet. 

"From now i will i will be including "Independent" every weekly to show what i will be doing during weekend, this will help me work better on my time management and to get things work right on time.

As you can see, I did some changing to my update, I'm trying to make my blog become easier to understand and simple as much as i can."

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