Thursday 7 January 2016

Week 1, Distinction Doors Live Brief Project

Start of the week, our next project is "Distinction Doors Live Brief".
The task was given, what I need to do is designing a door for the company and what they are asking for three limited edition contemporary door designs and one standard door. another thing i can't forget to mention is, the theme of this project is about 'let the outside in' letting the custom who wanting to buy the product feel like they letting themselves into the house when they looking at the door.

There also an target audience i would need to look into as well.
  • Both male and female.
  • Aged from 25 plus.
  • Homeowners who work hard and take pride in their homes.
  • Premium quality.
  • Style conscious and like to stand out from the crowd.
  • A modern new build house or renovating their existing home.
  • Read Ideal Homes magazine and watch Grand Designs.
Beginning of this task, I'm starting off with making a mind-map, showing what i need, what's my research, planning, organising time correctly and others. Then i went to researching to what the company already had, such as what kind of glass does the company had? Colour range and door designs. I did all annotate what's good about it but i didn't put why it is going to be helpful so that's my mistake that i need to improve more.

Next thing, i went to research about standard, contemporary and unusual doors. I'm taking the unusual door style to the next step because i finds it internet and i wanting to do more research about it.  I pick some images from the internet and annotated, talking about the design and what i like the most then i create one of my own design. It doesn't looks amazing but it giving me a little more idea what i would be doing.

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