Friday 8 January 2016

Week 2, Distinction Doors Live Brief Project

The week after, I'm starting to looks into target audience more into details. Making another mind map to see what i am looking for and who would looks into my design.
  • Starting, i'm saying a person/couple who wanting their house to look unusual or people who wanting to have a nature theme in their house but still wanting to feel like they living in the city. (This may not be in my sketchbook but i would fully explain everything in here.) 
  • The next point is, people who like modern design and wanting their design to be standing out from the crowd. This is what i would be mainly looks into, reason is because the main point of this project, is to design something that's unusual and standing out from the crowd, which it make this more important than others. It could also be stylist or classic designs. 
  • I didn't forgot about gender and age as well, i wanting to make sure people that looking into my design actually wanting to buy this and it's a right target.

The next thing is, i'm looking into theme 'let the outside in' this one, is to talk about what's the theme about? What am i going to be researching? and can i explore it into different things.
I'm starting off by looking into nature,
  • Because i'm really like the unusual designs and using the nature theme, it would help me finding more ideas about what my design would be like, what am i looking for etc. 
  • I'm including my primary and secondary research into this mind-map as well because the theme is basic on nature, i could just take a photo of tree, doors and others around my areas. 
The next thing i did is looking into mood board.
I wanting people to looks through my sketchbook and understanding what's my research would be basic on. I'm using colour black on my background because i want the images to standout, and it seem to work what i  was expecting for and i did do some explaining why i did it and how it would help me.

the last thing i did in week 2, was i wanting to create some of my own design, basic on tree. I did a least 12 different designs, using different patterns, glass, and style. It work out week and i made the designs quickly out of my mind.

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