Tuesday 26 January 2016

Distinction Doors Live Brief Project Evaluation

The first thing I did in the project mind-map and the reason I did it, is because I wanting to make sure I have everything completed before the due in time so I did some planning and organising to the things I need to do, such as research, inspiration, development and final outcomes in this project with annotations.

After completed my mind-map, I’m begins to work on my research and I did my primary at first. Went around my neighbours and take a photo of their doors and I found out that many people around where I live still using the standard door so I barely found anything interesting that would relate to what I’m looking for, such as modern, contemporary and unusual designs but because of the nature theme I decided to do, I was be able to pulls it off and create my unusual designs. Another thing I’m look into is patterns as well, patterns in the leaf and how them create such a lovely pattern with no limits.

In my secondary research, I’m using Pinterest to help me with finding any kind of door, pattern and nature them and they were helping out a lots because I could find many different tree styles, unusual door and contemporary door designs so I did have some idea how to start off with my theme ‘let the outside in.’ I’m also did an artist research and the person I was looks into was Lesley Richmond, a textiles artist and because her work was based on nature, tree and leaf, I wanting to try out one of her design as well, I explores her work with mono printing but the outcome wasn’t good as I expected. Another two artists are David Hockney who using paint or oil paint on his work and bright colour, Piet Mondrian is post-impressionism, using pain and oil paint. All these artist helping me understanding how to think outside of the box, using bright colour to catch attention and realist would help the work looks stand out as well.
I’m personally think the secondary research was more useful than the primary research because there were more photos around the place I never been to or because I couldn’t get the photo I wanting in real life. The reason why I decided to do nature base on things around me such as tree, patterns, nature and others. Things that relating to the nature because when I hear of those things, it reminds me of ‘let the outside in’

Another research I did, is also target audience. I wanting to make sure I can get an actual target audience. The first I wanting people who did their research on doors do they would be knowing what kind of door they wanting, wanting to stand out from the crowd, modern design or existing home, both male and females aged from 25 plus. It was quite challenging to create a design that would be interesting of my design because I didn’t think someone would want a door like this but hopefully the final design I create, there would be someone liking it. 

After done with my research, I’m beginning to looks into what kind of thing I would be using for my door, such as style, materials and colour so I went to do a research on standard, contemporary, unusual designs, testing colour but I didn’t make a research on what material I would be using because when I ask the company, they said I don’t need to worry about that, which I didn’t worry about it and just skip it. The glad I wanting to use is frosted, clear glass, glass that’s similar to kara, scotia, flores marmara design that company had already because I founds them more standing out, making the colour glass seem clean as well while still having patterns on the glass.

I didn’t use any techniques on my final designs, mostly was just sketching, pencil and broad because I wanting to keep it simple and clean, I also did some annotation on my work as well to make sure I know what I wanting to do, what kind of the colour the company can be using and same for the glass design. All my designs was coming from my sketchbook that I decided to throw it in, mix everything together and just make my final designs and both my design, I don’t have an difficulties in designing both contemporary and standard doors, because I know what I’m doing, what are they and what’s their different.

At beginning of the project, I went well with my time management because I was using a lots of sticky note to help me organising my sketchbook, what I need to do on each page, how many page I would be doing on each section and how much time I had for this project but after complete everything, I got stuck with coming up with the final, I was scared and doesn’t know what I wanting to design, what really inspires me and what catch my interest. So I took quick awhile to come up with my final design but I pulls it off, I complete everything and I was happy with what I had.
I learn quite a lots of things when I’m working for the Distinction Doors company, because I wanting to make sure the thing I create catch their interest, i need to do a research of what people like, what they into, what they would be look into and how they would react to my presentation but in the end, it was a good experience. While watching people doing their presentation, I learns that being more creative and thinking outside of the box would catch their attention more, they wanting something unique, something that standing out from the crowd and things they never saw before.
I wanting to make sure I completed all my research, my sketchbook work and when I know everything I got was complete, I starting to take a photo of my sketchbook and I’m done with first thing. Another two things that I have to think was, how would I layout my powerpoint and what I would be putting in my powerpoint. Layout the presentation isn’t hard but thinking what I have to put on my presentation was difficult, because I wasn’t sure what I need to put it in but I got a lots of help from my tutor and my friends who giving me a feedback and I pulls it off quite well.

Even I have a lots to improve but I would keep learning from what I did wrong and think how I would improve them while being in college. My English will always going to be my problem and I will keep improving them slowly and so as my time management, researching and others.  

Week 7, Distinction Doors Live Brief Project

After completed everything, it's time to do my presentation.
I didn't know exactly what to do in my presentation, such as what i need to put on it, what the title on each page, or how would i layout the page. However i pulls it off and create it with many support from my tutor and friends.

This task was quite easy because i already know what i wanting to be talking about but i just didn't know what to put in the presentation.

This is a screenshot i took from power point to show how i did it how i simply layout.
I'm mostly layout the page and the information in bullet point, because i wanting to explain everything while still keeping the main topic in the presentation.

Week 6, Distinction Doors Live Brief Project

In this week, i have to come up with the final designs and puts it on the sheet.
At first it doesn't go well, because even i have many research and experiments, i couldn't come up with anything good. another reason is because i was afraid of the audiences won't be enjoying my designs or it wouldn't catch their interest but at end, i just puts all my designs and everything together and even it's not creative or amazing as some others, i'm still liking what i had.

My first images is a standard door. Making it simple as possible with the tree patterns. When the light is shining on colour of the glass, it would show light and dark colour or the company can also using different class, which any customer like.

After that, it's contemporary. The first one is the door pattern, just in case the customer doesn't wanting their door to have a texture, instead of glass patterns.

The one after, because i wanting to make it simple with stylist, i make the glass patterns colour mixing with the other colour. Lately the tree designs, simple as that but there also the texture on the glass.

Week 5, Distinction Doors Live Brief Project

Week 5th through the project.
Just as planned from the last week, i will be completing all my research and mood board for nature and patterns for theme of 'let the inside out' but i didn't find another two artist like i was planning about doing from last week my independent target.

However, the Distinction Doors company came in college last week to check which part we're current on? So far, they are really happy but the company wanting us to use a different type of glass so they also coming in to mention what type of glass we can use. I will be including one page about the glass before getting on with my design.

However, i didn't end up doing them, i was starting to work on my final but before picking my final designs, i did some random design to get my ideas set up.

This is all the designs i created to test out my ideas and even the images may not be in order, i finds the start of this, it's was slowly developing step by step and at end, it went through great.

Friday 8 January 2016

Week 4, Distinction Doors Live Brief Project

This i wanting to make sure i did all my research correctly, if i'm not missing anything before getting ready to do my design. I went through my sketchbook and see if i need anything. Thanks to my tutor, she also giving everyone in the class a check list to help student with checking which task they're on.
  • Visual mind map for project brief.
  • Research into distinction doors current contemporary and standard door. 
  • Primary and Secondary research.
  • Pinterest board
  • Designer/Artist research
  • Mind map / analysis my target audience and theme. 
  • Mood board. 
I might need to improve my analysis since i didn't explaining where does my ideas coming from but that's my weakest point right now so i would try my best to start improving them from now on. 

I would need to create more mood board in my sketchbook, i will do my research on colour and nature during the weekend. 

Independent: During the weekend, i will start working on my design. Complete all my research for mood board and adding two more artist research who look at patterns designs or just get image from internet. 

"From now i will i will be including "Independent" every weekly to show what i will be doing during weekend, this will help me work better on my time management and to get things work right on time.

As you can see, I did some changing to my update, I'm trying to make my blog become easier to understand and simple as much as i can."

Week 3, Distinction Doors Live Brief Project

After looking to all my plans and knowing what i wanting to do.
I'm start doing my research, which i'm starting off with primary research on nature. 
  • Quite simple start. I went to my back yard and start taking a pic of tree and leafs. Did some close-up and trying to finds what's interesting. I couldn't find many things but i did found one interesting images because the colour of the leaf is shining through the light from sky.  
  • Next primary research is, doors. I went around people's house in my area and start taking a photo of people's doors. I found out most of the door is standard. Some of them may have a patterns on their glass but it would mainly keep it private and simple. nothing really special about them but their help giving me more ideas what kind of door people still using. 

Next research is secondary. I'm using Pinterest to help me with my research.
  • I'm starting to looks around the pinterest, trying to find tree and I founds something interesting like tree roots, they are random, yet really affected and standout. I take some of the photo, print it and stick them on my sketchbook. I also take some images that may look like wallpaper but it still about nature.
  • I went back to the unusual door but this time, i'm trying to finds things that links into the tree. some of them looks really interesting, some even looks so simple yet, making an affect with things around the house. 
The next research, it would be about artist, I found some artist that i would like to work on and how it would affect my design.
  • The first artist is, Lesley Rickmond. An textile artist who looks into leaf and tree printing them with different materials. I founds her work really interesting because of how details it is and i wanting to try them. I did some mono print for her work but both test was failed. However it still giving me an ideas what her work is like. 
  • Next artist is David Hockney. He using paint and oil paints for his work and his work is mostly using bright colour and what i founds interesting about his work is, the bright colour may make the work more standing out, giving more ideas of how to use my door colour effecting.
  • Next artist is Piet Mondrian. This artist would mostly do post-impressionism, things that isn't realistic. I found this interesting because of the hard brush painting style and helping me understanding things doesn't always have to be in the box but it also can be something that isn't in your mind. 

(Two more artist research for patterns.)

Last thing that i did in this week, was researching on colour scale. Testing different colour but i'm not planning about using those colour yet, because i wanting to see what i can make and creating my designs first before start thinking about colour. another reason why i did this experiment, was because i wanting to see the different range colour i can made and to give me more ideas on colour if i looks back when i'm working on my design.

Week 2, Distinction Doors Live Brief Project

The week after, I'm starting to looks into target audience more into details. Making another mind map to see what i am looking for and who would looks into my design.
  • Starting, i'm saying a person/couple who wanting their house to look unusual or people who wanting to have a nature theme in their house but still wanting to feel like they living in the city. (This may not be in my sketchbook but i would fully explain everything in here.) 
  • The next point is, people who like modern design and wanting their design to be standing out from the crowd. This is what i would be mainly looks into, reason is because the main point of this project, is to design something that's unusual and standing out from the crowd, which it make this more important than others. It could also be stylist or classic designs. 
  • I didn't forgot about gender and age as well, i wanting to make sure people that looking into my design actually wanting to buy this and it's a right target.

The next thing is, i'm looking into theme 'let the outside in' this one, is to talk about what's the theme about? What am i going to be researching? and can i explore it into different things.
I'm starting off by looking into nature,
  • Because i'm really like the unusual designs and using the nature theme, it would help me finding more ideas about what my design would be like, what am i looking for etc. 
  • I'm including my primary and secondary research into this mind-map as well because the theme is basic on nature, i could just take a photo of tree, doors and others around my areas. 
The next thing i did is looking into mood board.
I wanting people to looks through my sketchbook and understanding what's my research would be basic on. I'm using colour black on my background because i want the images to standout, and it seem to work what i  was expecting for and i did do some explaining why i did it and how it would help me.

the last thing i did in week 2, was i wanting to create some of my own design, basic on tree. I did a least 12 different designs, using different patterns, glass, and style. It work out week and i made the designs quickly out of my mind.

Thursday 7 January 2016

Week 1, Distinction Doors Live Brief Project

Start of the week, our next project is "Distinction Doors Live Brief".
The task was given, what I need to do is designing a door for the company and what they are asking for three limited edition contemporary door designs and one standard door. another thing i can't forget to mention is, the theme of this project is about 'let the outside in' letting the custom who wanting to buy the product feel like they letting themselves into the house when they looking at the door.

There also an target audience i would need to look into as well.
  • Both male and female.
  • Aged from 25 plus.
  • Homeowners who work hard and take pride in their homes.
  • Premium quality.
  • Style conscious and like to stand out from the crowd.
  • A modern new build house or renovating their existing home.
  • Read Ideal Homes magazine and watch Grand Designs.
Beginning of this task, I'm starting off with making a mind-map, showing what i need, what's my research, planning, organising time correctly and others. Then i went to researching to what the company already had, such as what kind of glass does the company had? Colour range and door designs. I did all annotate what's good about it but i didn't put why it is going to be helpful so that's my mistake that i need to improve more.

Next thing, i went to research about standard, contemporary and unusual doors. I'm taking the unusual door style to the next step because i finds it internet and i wanting to do more research about it.  I pick some images from the internet and annotated, talking about the design and what i like the most then i create one of my own design. It doesn't looks amazing but it giving me a little more idea what i would be doing.