Saturday 12 March 2016

Unit 7 Time-Based Media Gif

This is mind-map that i create from powerpoint. Because this project is base on digital, i wanting to make sure that my mind-map isn't made by paper.

Today i was learning how to do gift in photoshop and I decided I wanting to do a guide to show you how I did it. quiet simple and understandable in my opinion.
1 Step - Get a photo at least 5-10 photos and photoshop.

2 Step - Either work on them or choose one photo and edit it.
I decided to edit the colour of the photo, instead of edit everything, i wants it to be simple edit.

3 Step - In the red circle, click "Adjustments" > "Colour lookup"
After that you can mess with the colour. Whichever colour you like, you save it (cmd+shift+s) as jpg

Step 4 - This is when you starting to do your gif. First, open your photoshop and press cmd+n
Something will pop up. After that, make sure your resolution is 72 and colour mode is RGB color and  press enter or ok.

Step 5 - Go to File > (On the top of your screen) Scripts > Load Files into Stack
The images will pop up on the right hand side and make sure everything is in the order you wanted (To make it more easier to soft it things out.)

Step 6 - Go to window > Timeline > Create Video Timeline
The timeline will pop up under the images, after that make sure you bring it up so you can see it clearly.

Step 7 - You will see the purple box across the screen, on end of the purple box, when you move your mouse over it, you'll find a little arrow thing, just move them down with the time you wanted and make sure you put them after each other.

Step 8 - This is when you completed everything and you wanting to save your work.
First press shift+alt+cmd+s and something will pop up. First make sure on the 2nd box, it's gif. the box below, is selective and go all the way down, it'll said "Looping opinions" If you wanting the gif to be loop, click on it and change it to forever and click save. You're done!

This is my final outcome for the gif.
I'm personally enjoying this because I finds it quiet easily and understandable when I'm start doing it. There may seem to have a lots of steps to do but there actually isn't many things to remember. The reason why I wanting to keep my gif works simple, is because I didn't want it to be too messy and hard to understand so I think it would be the best to just change to colour range of my images and change it to gif. It didn't take me long and I was be able to do it in the short period of time.

If I have chance to do it again and improving this work, I would like to take more images and change it to make the gif more affect without the colour. Another that I also would be changing is use different subject, may make it more slower and easier to see without the bright colours.

However, this lesson show me how to do a gif and I finds it really enjoyable and easy to understand. The task wasn't hard and I was be able to complete it in time so next time if I ever wanting to do a gif on Photoshop, I can just easily do it without any problem.

On the afternoon, I was been giving an assignment brief 'Time-Based Media'
what I would need to be doing, time limited that I got on this project is short and I need to organising my time management.  how would I get a higher grade and doing visual mind map to start off this project because it would be a great start for me to understand what's the brief is about, what I would need to be doing and organising my times before the deadline of the project.

I create a simple mind map to start off this project but later on I will be using either word or PowerPoint to improve my mind map and make it more digital.

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