Wednesday 9 March 2016

Unit 3 - Art Review Power 100 List

This is the top 10 of Art Review Power 100 List and I decided to pick Ai Weiwei to write about.
Found the list from on 3/7/2016.

Ai Weiwei is an Chinese artist and social activist, prominent in reconnecting art with issues of social and cultural value. He is the 2nd top in Art Review Power 100. Ai's Blog

Ai Weiwei's history. Most of the Information i collect from on 3/7/2016

In 1958, He was bored in Beijing, the son of the celebrated poet Ai Qing. His father is denounced as a criminal following an anti-rightist campaign by Mao aimed at silencing intellectual who oppose his regime.

About 19 years later, in 1979 after studying at the Beijing Film Academy Ai Weiwei joins Stars group, an avant-garde art collective and pretty much working for the government until 4 years later, he moves to New York City.

The reason why i'm doing about him was because he seem to be in art world for quite awhile and he is doing about animation, filming etc. It kind of catch my attention and i wanting to know more what he doing for with his art style.

More information about Ai's sunflower seed "Click Here"
I found this interesting because it's just a small piece of arts that can turns into something interesting.  Making it realist must be hard and yet he challenging himself to create them and each one of the seed has been individually sculpted painted by specialists working in small scale workshops. the shape, size and colour is simple and can be easily point out it's a sunflower seeds and why i like about it was because i always into nature things and he create such a small piece with time and showing me that things can be great if you put your times into it.

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