Wednesday 9 March 2016

Unit 3 - Group Discussion

The group discussion about feminist arr, history and my opinion about it.
I am not the owner of this photo and it was taken from google image.

Was using a renowned painting to communicate with public effective?
I personally think the renowned painting to communicate can be effected depending on the person because some people may take it as copyright and not creative for just taking  other people painting and changed some colour, style and others. However some group may not think the same because it could've be very creative to them. 

Do youthink the Guerrilla Girls successfully got their message across? 
In my opinion, i think they does get their message across the public but others people, such as myself may think it kind of overreact to it. Yes they trying to said that female need more attention in art worlds but doesn't mean they have to go around wearing a mask saying girl doesn't get enough attention. They would've just show everyone how girls can get their art out. 

Has it made you question the objectification of women in traditional western painting? 
I finds this sexual harassment because i couldn't understand why people back in old time having to draw women naked? If women getting those treatment, why doesn't there any naked male in the art? women isn't just about naked body but they can be many things, can do many things and they aren't a dolls who won't feel any emotion. I am so glad that nowadays we are standing up for ourselves but some still need to be hear. 

Do you think there is still gender disparity in galleries and museums?
Because i barely go to any of galleries and museums, i wouldn't know much about it but i think there still more male artist's work than female.

Independent study:
Researching a feminist art critic or group: Feminist art movement  and Feminism & Feminist Art I finds this website very interesting and its got my point across about feminist.

This is about Feminist Art Criticism today that i took from the powerpoint during the class >

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