Wednesday 9 March 2016

Unit 3 - Art Criticism

Most of information was taken during the class. 

Lesson Objective:
Gain knowledge of the requirements/contents of the project
Gain knowledge and understanding of history of art criticism.
Name the most influential historical art critics.

What is Art Criticism?
Art criticism is responding, interpreting meaning and making critical judgment about specific works of art. Which mean exploring that specific to help the viewers understanding more about work and be able to make their own judgment.

The critics is most likely would be focusing more on modern and contemporary art from cultures close to their own, this explaining that any cultures can be critics and it would be judging by each cultures with any feedback that needed to help the viewer understanding more of that art cultures style.

Defining Art criticism
A professional art critic may be:

  • A newspaper reporter assigned to the art beat. People who mostly would be talking about their own opinion and explaining on the newspaper within the specif works of art
  • A scholar writing for professional journals or texts. Judging and responding to the art journals, making a dairy about that piece of artwork and how it develop by each step. 
  • An artist writing about other artists. Artist who look into other artist's work and critic their work to help the artist improve. 

Types of Criticism:
Journalistic criticism

  • Written for the general public, includes reviews of art exhibitions in galleries and museums. 
  • Suggestions that journalistic criticism deals with art mainly to the extent that it is newsworthy.

Scholarly art criticism:

  • Written for a more specialized art audience and appears in art journals
  • Scholar-critics may be college and university professors or museum curators, often with particular knowledge about a style period, medium ,or artist.
The History of Art Criticism
  • It is likely critiques of art originated with the origins of art itself, evidence in texts found in the works of Plato or St Augustine that contain early forms of art criticism.
  • Wealthy patrons from the Renaissance era onward have employed art-evaluators to assist them in buying or commissioning art works.
Here is the list of the art criticism in the history.

The origins of Art Criticism: Jonathan Richardson.
the earlist use of the term art criticism was by the English painter Jonathon Richardson in his 1719
publication An Essay on the whole Art of Criticism (17th-18th Century)

Art Criticism in the 19th Century - John Ruskin, Charles Baudelaire.

I'm personally agrees with his opinions because the art isn't about the colour of person's skin but it's about the painting style, the drawing. I didn't find anything wrong with it, however, back in 19th century racism was still a big things so many people would see such thing as disgreatful but if you going to ask people nowadays, they would just most likely would be explaining the piece of art and not the colour of person's skin.

Art Criticism in the early 20th Century - Fry and Bell (Roger Fry and Clive Bell)

Art Criticsim toward mid 20th Century:
Apollinaire, a French poet became the champion of Cubism.
  • French writer Andre Malraux wrote extensively on art.
  • There were few art galleries and few critics in 1940’s, and even fewer artists with a literary
  • background. 
  • Two artists, Robert Motherwell and Barnett Newman did also function as critics too. 
  • By the late 1940’s in New York artists had established patron critics such as Clement Greenberg and Harold Rosenberg championing them.
Art Criticism in the 20th Century Clement Greenberg.
Feminist Art Criticism: The 1970's
Feminist art criticism emerged in the 1970s from the wider feminist movement as the critical examination of both visual representation of continues to be a major field of art criticism. 

Art Criticism: Robert Hughes.

Nowadays everything moving forward and techniques come in to make the life more easier. For art criticism as well. Art critics today isn't not only in paint media and specialist art magazines as well as newspaper, museums and galleries. Since this is 21st Century, things changed and anything can be done through online, some people may use blog, twitter, facebook, tumblr, google etc. to spare their art out. 

Art Criticism Today: 
Matthew Collings
Jonathon Jones
Alastair Sooke

Official website taken on 2/16/2016
This is some information about Alastair Sooke at  BBC, his own show about art critics. 

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