Tuesday 6 December 2016

Project Mother and Child: Questionnaire and Survey

I want to collect much information as i can, I decided to make a questionnaire using google, which it allow me to create this simple form. This questionnaires took awhile to come up because I wasn't so sure what I want to put and I have to think about others as well. It isn't just going to be one person answering this, but 10-20 or more.

However, this questionnaire will help me with some information about mother and child more. But I have another plan to help me out, I have 4 mains stories that I would like to use for my project and I want to make a quick simple final to show people, asking them which one would be interesting to do? Once I got all the vote, I will decide what I will be doing for my final piece and start working toward it.

This isn't the only thing I have complete today. I have also redo my mind-map, to make it more creative, interesting and bigger. I'm using an A3 paper, on the background there are Sam Shendi's sculpture, made by pencil and watercolour. 

Thursday 24 November 2016

Project Mother and Child Live Brief: Planning

Starting of this project, I will be using this tablet to help me with my time management skills, this will help me get through each day, what have i done?, what should i do next? what went well and what need to improve? Anything that I have completed with that day. I will keep myself updated every single to day on this schedule but also on the blog as well. 

The photo below my schedule dairy is project brief. this will also help me organising my time management easier as well since each week have what's in the week, what will we be doing each week and when will be complete the project.

Monday 31 October 2016

Project Natural World: Human's Parts

During the half term, I went to do some sketch about human's parts.
Normally I can't draw them with so much detail so i picked some part and do some sketch of it.

I decided to do hand, feet, lips and eyes because i like them the most. They're hard but at the same time, it's enjoyable to do them. the material I used, is pencil. Reason is because I think pencil can make a great affect and I can always add any detail into them if i ever miss any. I was thinking about using pen or ink but i decide not to because, it was just in case i ever mess my work up then i don't need to worry about having to redo them again.

Hand and feet sketch isn't so much hard compare to the lips and eyes because with hand and feet, i can see them and thing that I want to improve next time are, making sure that I try different material instead of one. Yes pencil are great but It would be much greater if I use different material as well.

The hardest thing that I barely could do is eyes. I barely do the eyes correctly and didn't really know how to do draw them. I always been bad at drawing the eyes so for this sketch, i barely done them well as i want them to look.

Thursday 27 October 2016

Project Natural World: Secondary and Primary Mood Board

This is my secondary mood board that i create using photo from pinterest (Link to my Pinterest https://uk.pinterest.com/IrisvielEmiya/) I got all the photo there, pick the one that I liked the most and put them into my mood board that when i look at it, i can get something out of it. 

I decided do about sunflower because sunflower is my favorite flower, they remind me of the bright sunny day and when you're look at it, it kind of make you happy. Sunflower is like one of those flower that you think they're always smiling. the colour is also bright and standout as well. But that isn't only thing that i like about the sunflower. Another thing that i liked, is the shape. The sunflower can turn into many different patterns because of their big petals as well and the middle of their flower be draw as something else too. However, not just the flower itself but the seed can also create a lovely repeat pattern as well. 

My other secondary mood board, Thing that i like, i decide to put them in there. Reason is becasue I want my design sheet to be something that I like and enjoy to look at it. Looks into the fruit and flowers.  

thing that I can improve these two mood board is, add some drawing, sketch and print on it, instead of just photo from internet. Take a study, develop it using art material.

This is my primary mood board. some of these photo can be finds in my sketchbook. I only create one mood board for the primary but for this one, it's little hard to do because I wasn't so sure what i want to do about but i decided I want to do about the flower as well. So i pick the photo I like and what flower i want to do. Which is rose and daisy. Reason is because Daisy looks similar to Sunflower, the colour and shape. Reason why I picked Rose, is because of the fresh pick. there is also another flower on there but I cannot remember what was the name of it.

Thing That I dislike about it, is isn't look clean and it's looks messy. Next time I could make the layout of how each photo would be like.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Project Natural World: Thing I do like

There isn't just the thing that i dislike about what i do and how can I improve but there also the thing that I really like and in the next project, I can improve them and make it better next time. In this project, the thing that I like was going to different park, looks into natural and and see what can I do with it later on (even though i didn't do much about it because of barely any time on it) I still enjoy them a lot. Went to wigfield, looks into different animal and be able to experiences something new was great. Do some simple sketch and it end up to turn out great what what i like as well. I do have some stuffs that I really enjoy but there also a lot that i must improve and develop them into next step. 

Project Natural World: What Do I dislike?

This is some part of my sketchbook. As you can see, this is rush and there any good in them. I piece up some work of them fabric design and copy some of them using pen and pencil. It honestly didn't go well as i want and it was rushy, making this piece my worse piece but that's goes for the whole sketchbook. There many thing i didn't like about this works, i didn't put enough time into it to make it looks great, there isn't much bolt line coming from the work, it's was just a rush sketch and there isn't much annotation in there. 

There one of them that i liked but that's because it isn't look so bad but that's because i was using a tracking paper to help me create the work, which i wasn't so happy about it. I want to be able to work on it by sketch from looking at it, instead of track the work. However, i still have some like into it but what's ruined was the colour that i paint on. (this work is below the first on the left side.)

Thing that I can improve next time is work on it carefully, add the detail into them not just leave it as it is but also develop them, try different material, try out new background, pick the design up and develop them into my design and if i didn't like it, annotate it, why i didn't like and how can i improve it. 

Project Natural World: Artist critical review

(Thing that i quote from, photo and others will be from this website http://www.angielewin.co.uk/)

This is Angie Lewin's work. She's a textile artist who's using printing, lino and woodcut to create her art work. (The work on the right side called Dandelino Track I)

The thing i liked about this piece is how simple it is. She picking three colours to work with, which is yellow, green and black. The colour of the flower with black and tell also looks great, it isn't just making the photo look simple but it also make clear to see this is a flower and not just a boring piece of work. Small texture on other stuffs as well, such as the line that's bolt, it also standout but it also make the work more clear as well.

This piece is using wood engraving. Personally, I didn't think this work would create by using wood, at first i thought it was lino or screenprint because in this piece, there isn't any thing that didn't make it clear so wood wouldn't be good for it but this is showing me that even the wood can do a perfect job as lino or screen print as well.

Just because there's two colour but doesn't mean that it can't be a great work. this is my kind of work that i like to do because there isn't using many colour to hurt anyone's eyes, it's simple, clear to see, very bolt line and it has this eye-catching effect.

http://www.angielewin.co.uk/pages/about-my-work (This is the link to her work and details.)

The Youtube Video of Angie Lewin, how does she create one of her artwork. When I was watching this video, It show that she picking some part of the nature, sketch them using watercolour (the water that she's using, came from river) and later when she back into her office, she start to use them and add them up into her piece. It's really showing that her inspiration came from nature and it should be create by nature environment. 

There isn't any speaking so there isn't anything to talk about with word. However, there a showing of her picking piece by piece off nature and start working of them and build up the development through those work.