Saturday 4 June 2016

Unit 7: Time-Based Media in Art & Design Evaluation

In this project, i finds it quiet interesting and fun because i always love to work with animation and computer so it wasn't hard and keep myself interesting in the project. I didn't have much problem with it expect that i didn't come to college much as i used to because of personal problem but i was be able to get through  with the project in the end and another reason is because i like to work with technology, i didn't have much problem with it. Learning about the history of time based animation was totally amazing because i never expected that it would have so much thing that i like into it. 

Zoetrope final outcome turn out to be ok. Reason is because I thought it would harder but after drawing on the card, all i have to do just put it on zoetrope wall and record the animation. It wasn't much into it but i still learning new things and finds it quiet fun. 

iMovie was quiet hard because i was working on this by myself and nobody to hold the camera for me. I could just take a picture and do it that way as well but i decided to including some video on my pretension as well because i want to add more techniques as well but as final result, everything went ok and i quiet like the outcome. 

Stop frame animation was one of the hardest one i've done, because having to come up with what i should do and doing it by myself was totally funny. In the end i was be able to completed and and i was using things around my house, puts them into video was little hard because there was a lot of frames that i need to work on so i have to delete quiet a few frames and maybe replaces one or two on different area but it was still good and i love it. 

Looks into artist such as Heather Hansen or Tony Oursler was good. I finds that Heather Hansen's art work was more interesting because looks at her work, it doesn't looks like the normal type of work but i do finds some emotion and peace on it, compare to other artists work. However for Tony's artwork, it was quiet funny and looks different because of how bold, random his work is, taking part of human's face and turn it into art was funny but at the same time it was kind of creepy. The effective on my research wasn't much but learning what each artist do with their work and how they create their work using movement on their art work. 

I created a mind-map to help me planned and organised what i wanting to do for next step in the project. What do i need to do for this and with details and how much i understand about this project. I'm also using blog to help me recording what am i doing each week for this project. 

The practical skills that i used on this project is on imovie, zoetrpoe and stop frame animation. in imovie, i wanting to presenting batik and how to do them so i would need textile shop to help me with this. In zoetrope, i was drawing with pencil onto A5 cardboard, and finish off by using broad draw over it. on stop frame animation, im using a paper, some coin and my camera to create the video. Overall everything turn out to be good and i kind of like it even thought there a lot of lack with quality but i still complete my work. 

The problem i have on this project is timing that barely have so i have to do them along side of FMP and another thing that i have a problem with is editing video for stop frame animation because there was so many frames that i need to put them together and create a video and last one is iMovie that i never uses and i didn't know how to get rid of something in the presentation.

On my blog, I just put stuffs that i think it relate to my project such as research, artists work, video and i think i cover everything. I don't think i have much to improve on my blog since i was trying to add everything i got from this project and put them on it. 

I wasnt be able to manage my time thoughtout htis project because i missed so much and I was end up having to do them along side of my FMP. 

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