Tuesday 22 September 2015

Week 2, Hands on Project

This week, I am looking into principles of design and Ceramics.

Principles of Design;
Pattern / Contrast / Emphasis / Balance / Proposition / Scale / Harmony / Rhythm / Movement.
I'm starting off with pattern and emphasis because of my personal interests so I decided to do those two in the class then I will completed other in my own time.

What is mono-print? Mono printing is when you uses a printing materials but only produces one images and are three techniques you can use.
Materials/Equipments : photocopy, pencil, printing ink, print roller and blank paper.

The first techniques is drawing onto the back of paper.
I personally think this is the most easiest techniques to do.
I get all the equipments for the start. After that i drops some printing ink on the perspex, rolls it evenly on the sheet and after I'm surely know it's evenly. I already got my images on top of my blank paper ready, then I drops it on top of the sheet, making sure I'm trying hardest not to touch the paper because once its been drops on top of the ink, whatever press on it, will leave the marks then i starts to draw on top of the images, tracing it and once i completed it, i just remove the paper from the perspex sheet.

Workshop: Ceramics
This week workshop is ceramics. Different from photography, I actually know what to do in this class work because I used to do it back in high school or last year in college.

Starting in the lesson, our tutor wanting to show us an example of what other class have done or what she already made then after that, we were been giving an task to design our own ideas. I got my ideas from one of her sculpture that she made. It's giving me an ideas of how to i should build my sculpture as well. Planning out of how i should build the hand using an hand as well. Making looks like an pattern of hands.

However, before starting our sculpture we need to learn some techniques of how to get rid of air in the clay. The reason why we need to get rid of it, is because when the clay starting to burn up, the airs inside of the clay will be exploded and may ruined the sculpture so that's why it's important to get rid of the airs in the clay.

After learning how to get rid of the air in clay, We beginning to build our own sculpture.
The step that i did is making 5-6 hands then starting to build together. It's may take awhile to stick them up together but this also teach me about problem solving. Learning how to make the sculpture stays in place without crumbles.

Health and Safety in this workshop:
Be careful about the dust in class.
Make sure to clean up after done with the studio.

Some example of the sculpture I made. 

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