Saturday 12 September 2015

Induction week 2, Art and Design L3

Domino's Day
We have an artist come in to help us with understanding what's creative and independence, also share some of his experience with building domino with us. Everyone in the class got to plays around with domino woods and the reason why we are doing this, is because they wanted us to be creative, thinks outside of the box, be able to become independence with only just one item but even with one item, we still can be creative and create something more interesting. 

There quite lots that I learn from this lesson, such as become problem solve and independence because I'm understanding how to solve the problem of how to build the dominos without them falling apart and work by myself using my imagination. It also helping me improving my skills of how to think outside of the box, we can do more than just a simple ideas and create it into interesting piece of art work. After everyone building their own ideas up, someone decided we should somehow connected our ideas together, we using a small piece of domino woods to build around eachother and it turns out amazing.

After the half of the day is done, learning how to become self-independence, solving problem and creative, it's time to learn how to teamwork with everyone and bring everyone ideas together so we can create our final work together. Putting the tables around the class to leave a space in the middle, we start building the domino on the table first, everyone just work randomly but at the same time connecting eachother's work together. However not everything always went well, because some of us just accidentally knocked the domino, causing some of the part to break down and we need to rebuild them again, it was quite annoying because it happening a lots but in the end, we found the solution to fix the problem by laying one domino down so when something for knocked again, not everything will be falling down.

All of this making realising that art isn't just about techniques but it's also learning how to become social with everyone, get their ideas and turn it into your inspiration and experimenting the different ideas. However, I didn't create anything interest like everyone else so it's also telling me that i need to work on my creative ideas more with understand how to open my mind and think outside of the box. 

I have lots to work on my creative ideas because I couldn't come up with anything too interesting like everyone else but even looks at everyone else's work, I couldn't come up with anything, which it's making me quite disappointed of myself. Not that I wasn't be able to come up with anything good but sometime I just couldn't come up with anything great yet until I start to play with it. However, by end of the day, I realising that I don't need to make it interesting, all I have to do is just make a random patterns or just lets my ideas go wild because being creative isn't just about trying to make it interest but at the same time, to experiment your ideas.

Term 1: Hands on Project
Now we would be starts off by looking into what project we would be do on the first term.
The due time on this project is 5 weeks, everything must be completed. We are looks into basic techniques, materials and processes that we can uses. This may also inspirited by different artists who also draw hands or any part in the bodies.

Drawing using different techniques and how times can affect the drawing.
-One of my drawing, it was a rough hand, almost not looks like a hand because
i have to draw it within 1minute without sketch, which it was my weakness.

How black and white colours affect the draws.
-Using a black paper and colours to make the hand standout.
-I'm personally like the way it looks but i couldn't make it realistic because it wasn't my style so i changes it into what colour i want and what style am i into.

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