Today i was learning how to print making, relief printing and chine colle. The meaning of what's la poupee, henna and zentangle?
Start of lesson we were just talking about the meaning of la poupee, henna and zentangle. Then after that, we are wanting to do some practical and looks up into zentangle. Zentangle is an easy to learn method of creating a lovely images from structured.
Materials that i used in this piece of art work is pencil, brayer, lino, ink print and cutter/cutter details.
After complete drawing the zentangle, it's time to looks into lino printing onto paper, but before that i would need to draw the patterns i would like to draw on the lino and then i can carve the patterns on it.

However i used to do this last year as well so i know what am i doing but i also got an basic example of how to lino cut.
I'm quite enjoying this section because it's also helping me learning different new techniques and meaning in the keywords
This is another techniques that i learned. This one called chine colle, using an tissue paper to stick on the blank paper, make it match the patterns then after that lino print on top of it to make a single or whole part standout from other.
Health and Safety in this workshop:
Example point of how i did it:

((Details will be coming soon))

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