Tuesday 1 December 2015

Transcribing Caro Project Evaluation

During the trip to YSP and Hepworth Galley, I was taking quite a few images and especially the one I’m interest. However I found this trip quite useful because I can see the sculpture in any angle that I wanted and compare the photo from the internet, I found there a lots different between  the one that’s we can take and one we found on the internet. I can see what does it really make out of and some of the sculpture doesn’t really looks like they were made by those materials as well, reason is because of the colours. I wasn’t really looks into all the sculptures in details but only with the one I’m really interest, such as “Morning Shadows.” Reason is because the colour looks so similar to wood, I thought the sculptures made by wood but it was steel so that was really surprising me. 

In my folding sketchbook that I bring with me in the trip, I use many different techniques to explore the sculptures in different style and I was using pen, pencil, colour pencil, broad and fine liner and using different techniques on each medic as well.

After the trip, we were looking into the I was looking into 3D wood work induction, this is to help me understand what’s needed to be done in the workshop and learning health and safety, showing what’s important and what’s must be doing. I was learning what PPE mean is and how to avoid from getting myself hurt while using the workshop. I found this lesson to be really useful because even though I already did some studying from last year but there still lots that I didn’t even know about.

In the studio practice and in half term, I was looking at my sketchbook, learning of how to make it more interesting, reason why it is more useful and how would I improve them. At first I didn’t quite get what I would need to do even I have an example in front of me but I decided I should just do them, start drawing and annotate my work. It work out not in amazing standard but I does develop my creative and show I can explores different materials, techniques and understanding the basic of how to use my sketchbook as my journal through my years in art and design. I’m also create an mind map to make it more clearly of what I need to do, what needed to be done, which artist I would be looking for. I also did a little title on all my page to make sure what need to be done on each page.

After coming back from the half term, I was looking into Caro influence. How did he get his ideas for all his sculptures works and how would I be able to use the similar styles as him. I decided to looks into an old artist book with old building like what Caro does on his sculptures. I couldn’t finds anything that that I interest so I just put everything that I like to draw into my design. Two of them turns out to be what I would like to do for my final sculpture. I was looking into Marquette and Caro influence. How would I design my sculpture into 3D and how would I make my Marquette looks more interesting.  I created two Marquette out of the three designs and the reason why I only create two, is because I wanting to explores these designs and it was the one I really wanting to do so I decided to do them and turns into 3D. In my design, I would have to including Clay, wood and print-making.

After knowing what I wanting to do for my sculpture and completed my final design. I went in my first workshop; 3D wood work. The first part it was simple, easy and I already knew what I would need to be doing in this workshop but the problem I has was, I don’t know what of wood I would like to use for my sculptures so I ask my tutor what kind of wood I should be using. He giving me a great suggestion and telling me I can also put more affect into the wood as well. I quickly work on my work without a problem, there may be little problem with getting my wood cuts in the right side but in the end, I completed my first workshop and quite happy of the result I gets. There still more time left before the end of this session, so I also did two Alexander Calder’s work as well.
The second workshop is Ceramics. In the Ceramics was little hard for me because the clay would trick by 10% after it been fire and I would have to work the what I need for at least an hour and I finally done it. Then I need to choice what kind of clay I would like to use. I wanted my clay to come out with nature colour so I use Earthiuare.

The final workshop was printmaking and photography. I got the printmaking in the morning, the first thing I was doing was, looking into Caro’s sculpture or any photo that would help me create my etching. I was looking through Caro and realising I should use the same techniques as him. I decided to put two sculptures into one piece because that’s what Caro was doing on his sculptures, looking into many different images and mix them together. It turns out amazing but it wasn’t from my original ideas because I was thinking about having an city views in the middles but I still like my result, In this workshop, I would have to went gloves so I won’t get the paints on my hands. At first I was doing la poupee then intaglio printing, using abstract and my first ideas was architectural style. In the afternoon, I needed to do photography, during the session I was learning how to create a paper sculptures and since I couldn’t do my city views, I decided I wanting to do it on photography. It turns out great, creating an interesting shadow, affect and even some tower doesn't stand up properly, it still giving me an great result.  

I do have a problem through this project even most of the things was completely easily, such as my computer isn’t working at home so everything must be done during college time or whenever I can come in. My blog have less details than my last project because I couldn’t do them at home and having to do them in the short period of time at college but it was also my mistake of wanting to do my blog entries in the last week of the project because I wanting to work my sketchbook more than my blog entries but I also learn many things through this project.

Week 5, Transcribing Caro Project

This week is checking my sketchbook, what I need to completed, what need adding and what I got left to do. However my tutor giving me a great feedback of what I needing to do and how I would make it better, which it help me understand and improve my ideas more.

The final workshop was printmaking and photography. I got the printmaking in the morning, the first thing I was doing was, looking into Caro’s sculpture or any photo that would help me create my etching. I was looking through Caro and realising I should use the same techniques as him. I decided to put two sculptures into one piece because that’s what Caro was doing on his sculptures, looking into many different images and mix them together. It turns out amazing but it wasn’t from my original ideas because I was thinking about having an city views in the middles but I still like my result, In this workshop, I would have to went gloves so I won’t get the paints on my hands. At first I was doing la poupee then intaglio printing, using abstract and my first ideas was architectural style. In the afternoon, I needed to do photography, during the session I was learning how to create a paper sculptures and since I couldn’t do my city views, I decided I wanting to do it on photography. It turns out great, creating an interesting shadow, affect and even some tower doesn’t stand up properly, it still giving me an great result.  

Some photo I took in the photography session.


Wednesday 25 November 2015

Week 4, Transcribing Caro Project

This week I was doing ceramics. During this workshop, I would need to use some my maths skills to work out the length because it get smaller by 10%. It was little hard because I have to work out what kind of length I need for it to fit but I also have an second plan. If the clay doesn't fit then I would use the wood to make it fit. After done all the planning, it was time to start making my sculpture.

First thing I was having to choose what kind of clay I would like to work on and I pick earthenware. Reason is because I want my piece to looks nature and this one already have a brown-red colour, which it would make it easier not to colour it and make it nature.

This is an photography, showing what I did, how I did it.

Week 3, Transcribing Caro Project

((Half Term))
In half term, we were also been giving an task to do. Continue production of primary search pages from Caro exhibitions and secondary search on other sculptor; such as Alexander Calder, David Smith and others.

Mostly I was working on Caro's work and how to make my sketchbook looks more interesting. It didn't turn out amazing but at the same time, it doesn't look bad. It was in stranded quality.

((Back from Half Term))
Back to college. I was learning what's maquette mean? Working on my scutplure plans and create an maquette. Everyone was having to do 3 designs and choose one you would like to do. I only create two maquette, out of the 3 designs. Reason is because I wanting to see what it would looks like if it turn into 3d. The first one was good but I like the second one I made, because I finds it more active and after I included every workshop materials together and it match perfectly.

Starting working on the workshop. My first workshop is 3D wood work.
I didn't take my design sheet but I took my maquette with me. Things got changed after went in workshop and do them. I add more part onto my sculpture but things still stay the similar as the ordinal design.  During this workshop, I was been asked what kind of wood I would like to work on? I didn't know much about the wood so I asked the tutor. He giving me an great suggestion, such as what kind of wood would be the best to add the texture on. Another thing I didn't expecting while doing this piece was adding more texture making by some of the wood and making Alexander Calder's work.

This is some photography I took during the workshop. It isn't in the order but this is showing what I did and what does it look like.


Week 2, Transcribing Caro Project

After coming back from the trip, I would have to go in 3D wood work induction for 3.5 hours. Reason this is because to make sure we learn what's each things do in the workshop and the most important things was health and safety for everyone. Every time there are induction, there would be at least 5 students would need to go in and learn about 3D wood work.

The first thing I would need to learn was What's PPE mean? It mean Personal protection equipment. When we are using  any machines in the wood shop, there would be a sign telling you, you must worn them no matter what. Reason is because there are  eye protection, hearing protection or foot protection to protect yourself from getting injured while still in the workshop.

Another thing is workshop glossary. Telling us what each machines called, where it would need to go and what does it do? I used to be in wood work before so I know quiet lot of things in the workshop already but there also more stuffs I haven't try or learn how to use it. The induction was helping a lot with understand what each machines does, health and safety and why did we need to know all of this.

After done with 3D wood work induction, We were been learning how to make your sketchbook looks interesting, why it is important part of your coursework project and how to annotate an art sketchbook. I personally think making my own sketchbook looks interesting is my weakness, reason is because I think I'm not very creative, I like things to be too perfect but sketchbook actually an journey. Showing what you have use to develop your art skills, your research of what kind of artist have I been look into and understand they art theme. I already know how to annotate my work, reason is because I used to do art in previous year in college.

Sketchbook is also your personality. Showing how you would put your work on the sketchbook, how would you develop them, what kind of style have you used to show you been looks into that artist's work and how did you use their artwork and turn it into your own ideas.

Week 1, Transcribing Caro Project

During the YSP/Hepworth trip, after arrive to the gallery and we were been giving a tasks to do during the trip. The first task was taking a photography of every sculptures and choose one you interest, take around 16 times in all angles. I pick one from the YSP and another Hepworth,

This is the first one I choose of all the sculptures. Reason is because there are a lots of part I would like to sketch out, negative space and many different part that make this sculptures.

This is some part from the folding sketchbook that I bring with me during the trip, this is another task that we has been given. We were been giving two folding sketchbook with 16 parts and looking at sculpture of any of my choice, spending some times on them. This isn't just normal sketch but it also showing different techniques and materials affect eachother.

 This is an sculpture showing outside of YSP. One of Caro's work that also looks similar as the one I choose to do, reason is because of the shapes and how it was been connected to eachother. However they are using an different materials. What I like about the scuplurse was the simple design but with affect to dark and light.
It was quiet interesting because how this trip isn't just learning about the artist's artwork but also wanting us to experiencing what does the sculpture really make out of, different between primary researches when you can actually see the sculpture within your own eyes. Another reason is because different between images and seeing the artwork with your own eyes can make lots of different, you can see more details when images can't catch those details.

Another thing that I learn was some artist's work may have the same style and way they create the work is also similar but just depending on how they put connect all the piece together.

Sunday 18 October 2015

"Hands On Project Evaluation

"Hands On" Evaluation 
Through this project, I was looks into elements and principles of design. To help me keep in track with all the definition, we were giving a task to create 14 glossary pages using different materials and techniques within each glossary page. Sometime I would also need to get my ideas from secondary resources such as artist or Pinterest, which I used to find more techniques from Pinterest but I'm also using primary resources such as taking photo of my own hand, family or families. Using all the techniques and materials to match the meaning of each in elements and principles, I came to realise what kind of affect each piece has. For example Proration and rhythm, even though I'm using a same material but there different because rhythm is about movement and proration is about scaling so they would have different meaning and techniques within each piece.

During the each workshop, I was looks and learns new stuffs in the workshop and even though some of them I may already have known, yet I still learning quite few in the each workshop. Such as in Photography, this is my first time learning about photography and it was quite difficult but in the end, I understand most basic and how camera can be affected the photo and different settles with different angle can also change style of the images. Next workshop was ceramic, even though I already know what to do in this workshop but I still haven’t learn quite a few stuffs about how to made an sculpture without them falling apart and the tutor was taught me how to remove the airs from clay, which it was really helpful because she also explaining the reason why we have to removes the airs from the clay, it may make the sculpture explored after it got burn but the most important things that I thought it was quite useful was improving my solving problem skills because I have to make sure the sculpture doesn’t fall and actually stick each parts together. 3D woodwork taught me how to plan my work out and thinks about the next step before do it. Print-making taught me the key term with meaning and what’s chine colle. Another thing is, it help me remembering that I should just keep my imaginations open wild because with zentangle, I need to have my open to create a patterns from my head.  I already know about ow to screen printing and batik but what I learned about textile was how to heat transfer, puff binder and paper making and embroidery. How puff binder and screen printing is quite amazing together when become one and heat transfer was really great even though I have to be careful while using it but totally worth learning it.

Even with all those things that I have learned, I still have a lots to improve, such as my time management, organisation and being creative. The reason why I think I have problem with those skills, is because at first, I couldn't manages get everything done in time, even though done all my blog, 10 pages on my sketchbook and everything completed in the workshop but doing 20 glossary pages was taking too much times, it wasn't really worth it because the quality wasn’t in the excellent standard, next time I will improves it and write what need to be done in each week. I’m having quite a lots of problem with being creatives even though I mostly using my own ideas to create my artwork but after looks into other people works in Pinterest, I always wanting to change my ideas because they got a better quality work than I do, which causing me to have trouble with making my own decision but I still enjoy doing it, even though it wasn’t great like an artist but I been taught different things in each workshops and explored the materials with different techniques. 

Elements and Principles of Design

During the first and second week into the project, we were introduced to element of design and we were asked to made an glossary contain from those elements with every each of them will have an definitions. Elements and Principles of Design, there are 7  of art meanings for each designs so that make up 14 elements.

Elements of Design;
Line / Shape / Space / Texture / Colour / Value / Form
Learning to understand the different techniques and the uses of materials also explaining each elements definitions for all the glossary pages. For this start, i choose to do colour and texture because it's what I'm usually like doing the most and thinks it would be the easiest one, out of all the elements.

Principles of Design;
Pattern / Contrast / Emphasis / Balance / Proposition / Harmony / Rhythm.
I'm starting off with patterns and emphasis because of my personal interests so i decided to do those two in the class then i will completed other in my own times.

 Elements of Design:

Materials i used on colour is acrylic paint and pencil. At first i free draw the hand with pencil, looking at my own hand and it's take awhile to get it right but i still done it. After that i draw with the paint.
Texture, materials i used is line paper, hard brush and acrylic paint. However i made the mistake at first by trying to make it into collage but end up realise it's wrong so I tried to rip it off, make the background has texture and stick the line papers on the hands shape.

The materials used on Space was ink colour and acrylic pain. At first i draw a hands with pencil, adding details etc. and after that using end of the brushes, i draw onto the pencil and colour the background with black paint to create those spaces.
 Shape, i wanted to use different materials but similar background colour. techniques that i used was cool and warms colour and to make it into shape, i draw the position of the hand in shape on the middle. I used chalk to colour the hands and oil pastels to covers the background. 

Line, two materials that i use was broad/liner and water colour. Drawing the hands with liner/broad and after that carefully colour the background with watercolour.
Form, materials that i used was pencil to draw the basic of hand, after that i paint it and finish off with colour the background with water colour.

Value, material that i used is pencil and broad. Picking up the deep lines with dark pencil and lightly add little details with lighter pencil.

Principles of Design

Patterns, i used started the pencil to draw simple basic of the hand with patterns and after that, draw on top with broad/liner after completed that, I'm trying to make the background also become patterns so i add draw an background with colour pencil.
Similar techniques and materials as patterns. 

Emphasis, using paint to colour the background and hand.
Harmony, At first i was drawing the hands with pencil and went over it with acrylic paint then using sponge with colour paint of top, it doesn't looks right so i draw the outside with ink.

both have same techniques and material. All i used was pencil to do a quick sketch and after that i draw the hand with ink, using bottom of the brush, adding the details with ink as well.

Using pencil and acrylic paint, drawing the hands with pencil and after paint on top.