Wednesday 25 November 2015

Week 3, Transcribing Caro Project

((Half Term))
In half term, we were also been giving an task to do. Continue production of primary search pages from Caro exhibitions and secondary search on other sculptor; such as Alexander Calder, David Smith and others.

Mostly I was working on Caro's work and how to make my sketchbook looks more interesting. It didn't turn out amazing but at the same time, it doesn't look bad. It was in stranded quality.

((Back from Half Term))
Back to college. I was learning what's maquette mean? Working on my scutplure plans and create an maquette. Everyone was having to do 3 designs and choose one you would like to do. I only create two maquette, out of the 3 designs. Reason is because I wanting to see what it would looks like if it turn into 3d. The first one was good but I like the second one I made, because I finds it more active and after I included every workshop materials together and it match perfectly.

Starting working on the workshop. My first workshop is 3D wood work.
I didn't take my design sheet but I took my maquette with me. Things got changed after went in workshop and do them. I add more part onto my sculpture but things still stay the similar as the ordinal design.  During this workshop, I was been asked what kind of wood I would like to work on? I didn't know much about the wood so I asked the tutor. He giving me an great suggestion, such as what kind of wood would be the best to add the texture on. Another thing I didn't expecting while doing this piece was adding more texture making by some of the wood and making Alexander Calder's work.

This is some photography I took during the workshop. It isn't in the order but this is showing what I did and what does it look like.


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